(the serial key converter above)UPDATE #2: I've been getting too many messages regarding the converter. Mount And Blade Warsword Conquest ModĪll you need to do is to register your serial key to Taleworlds site and it will automatically provide you a 4x4 key. In order to provide a solution, we allowed people who has those faulty keys to receive a 4x4 key from our web site. The disadvantage of those keys is that with those, you won't be able to install and play the game without Steam. People who bought their game during that time, received those 5x5 keys. GOG key is a menu option from the drop-down menu on the game page in your GOG library if any of you other GOG people are having key trouble and don't know where to look.' This is caused by a bug known to TW but never corrected:'Message for Daegoth, dveloper of Taleworlds:Hello everyone, As some of you know, during a certain period of time, Steam provided you 5x5 keys instead of 4x4 keys. The GOG key worked first try, so no need to convert like with the Steam keys. Here is what they say on discord:FOR THOSE HAVING PROBLEMS WITH THE GAME ASKING FOR THE SERIAL KEY'steam key converter: 'So after it kicked me out of the game for reaching level 8, I went and looked up my serial key on GOG and entered it in.